Leroy Caldwell

Business Name: Leroy Caldwell
Business Genre: , ,
Long Business Description:

Boxers: Eric Brackin, Mike King, and Caleb Caldwell

I was a former journeyman heavyweight and I have had 70 professional fights. I have also been in the boxing game for 40 years now, I am the former trainer of Yevonne Caples and Friday the 13th from Nigeria. I am at the present time training Caleb Caldwell 3-3 with 2kos 1draw at 175 and Bruce Talley Heavyweight. Right now I am currently looking for opponents for my fighters my contact number is 702-810-2240.

Business Phone Number: 702-810-2240
Business Tags:
Contact Name: Leroy Caldwell
City/Country: Las Vegas, NV, USA

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Listing Title: Leroy Caldwell