
Freddy Trinidad
Business Name: PRBest Boxing
Business Phone Number: 787-642-8331
Business Tags: ,
City/Country: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Jose Angel Valle
Business Name: Jose Angel Valle
Business Genre: , ,
Long Business Description:

Jose Valle was the manager of important boxers such as Ramon Britez (argentinian, south american, hispan and mundial’s middle weight IBO champeons), Pablo Sarmiento (argentinan, south american, latin OMB and mundial IBO champeon), Hugo y Daniel Sclarandi, Horacio Chicagual, Rodrigo ” La Hiena ” Barrios, Marcela ” La Tigresa ” Acuña, Patricia ” La Leona ” Quirico, Jim Kelly, Edgar Alazao, Enrique Campos, Wilson Galli, Julio Geréz, Alfonso de León, etc. He participated in the Gonzáles Catan Festival (March 19th, 2004): Paola Casalinuovo vs. Tereza da Silva, wich was transmit in Uruguay’s free tv and Buenos Aires’ Multideporte. Nowadays he is Management young talents.

Television: “International Box” in Channel 9, “KO’s night” in America Sports, Uruguay’s free tv and Buenos Aires’ Multideporte, “Five stars Box” in Channel 2 /America TV).

Business Phone Number: 541148016356
Business Tags:
City/Country: Argentina

Mark Vaz
Business Name: Bad Dog Productions
Long Business Description:

Boxers: Sechew Powell, Terry Smith, Chris Traietti, Willie Phillips, Stacey Reile, Mike Culbert, Ben Lescarbeau

Business Phone Number: (508) 746-0176
Business Tags: ,
City/Country: Boston / Miami, USA

Mel R. Valenzuela
Business Name: Mel R. Valenzuela
Long Business Description:

Professional Matchmaking and Fight Booking (boxing and MMA) services in Canada and the United States. My registry listing boasts fighters from all over the U.S. Also available for movie and TV show consulting. Call or email anytime.

Business Phone Number: (213) 712-2784
Business Tags: ,
City/Country: Los Angeles, California, USA

Mel R. Valenzuela
Business Name: Mel R. Valenzuela
Long Business Description:

Professional Matchmaking and Fight Booking (boxing and MMA) services in Canada and the United States. My registry listing boasts fighters from all over the U.S. Also available for movie and TV show consulting. Call or email anytime.

Business Phone Number: (213) 712-2784
Business Tags: ,
City/Country: Los Angeles, California, USA

Xavier Toliver
Business Name: Xavier Toliver
Business Phone Number: 678-939-1011 / 770-306-7871
Business Tags: ,
City/Country: Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Filiep Tampere
Business Name: Filiep Tampere
Long Business Description:

Manager and trainer of: World champion Delfine Persoon, Yves Ngabu, Razmik Grigoryan, Ahmed El Hamwi, and Hedi Slimani
Filiep Tampere.

Business Phone Number: +32 475 34 02 98
City/Country: Belgium

Shannon Smith
Business Name: Warrior Entertainment
Business Genre: , ,
Long Business Description:

Worked with Mike Evans developing his Evans Sports and Entertainment Company out of Chicago. Worked locally with fight promoters in the Memphis Tennessee area.

Business Phone Number: (870) 335-2754
Business Tags:
City/Country: Paragould, AR, USA

Steve Smith
Business Name: Rumbletime Promotions
Business Genre: , ,
Long Business Description:

Providing world class Boxing promotion for the novice fan, and fans that have a deep passion for Boxing, Rumble Time Promotions brings the best boxing to the St. Louis Area. Our name Bring It On, reflects the attitude and the skill of our boxers, bringing the best bouts to our fans, not afraid to back down from anything.

Business Phone Number: 314-757-6451
Business Tags:

Connie Sans
Business Name: De La Rosa Boxing Gym LLC
Long Business Description:

Boxers managed:

Leivi Brea 122-126
Jose Luis Herrera 178-200
Ilido Julio 130-132
Orlando Gonzalez 115-118
Miguel Arias 154-160
Elvis Martinez 135-140
Ricardo Calzada 140-144

Business Phone Number: 786-286-0427
Business Tags: ,
City/Country: Miami, Florida