Mixed Martial Arts – MMA

Mixed Martial Arts – MMA

Mixed martial arts have turned into the fastest growing sport in the world. Kids everywhere are signing up to learn the art of taekwondo, Muay Thai, Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu.  Adults are using mixed martial arts more than ever for training as a way of staying in shape and losing weight. If you have ever taken a boxing/kickboxing class you know there is no other workout like it.  Not only is it a great workout for adults, but also teaches kids discipline and respect as well as it being great tools to defend themselves, God forbid they ever face that dilemma.


MMA and the UFC

In addition, the UFC is one of the most entertaining sports promotion companies ever to grace the TV screen.  The athletes in the UFC are the crème de la crème in the mixed martial arts world and 9.9999 times out of 10, they’re ‘gonna’ put on a great show.  With so many different styles fighting each other it’s always interesting to see which art will out maneuver the opposing force.  From strikers like, George St. Pierre and Jon Jones to ground specialist like Damian Maia and BJ Penn, anything and everything can happen in the UFC.

MMA and Qwick-AID®

In addition to that, the new sports bandage from Qwick-AID® should be added to every first aid kit in every gym to every field and ice rink. Qwick-AID® is your first responder when those exposure points are cut, scraped or are gushing blood.  These new bandages will stop the bleeding in less than one minute!  God forbid in the case that you do have to call 911 you must take into consideration the response time.  It can take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes for your first responders to arrive and in the moment of an emergency that might as well be an eternity.


With all of the excitement and electricity in these fights we all know the dangers these athletes put themselves in.  From severe hematomas to bloody gashes the cut-men have their hands full in between rounds.  Over the years they have used many different products, both prescription and non-prescription while working on the fighters.  Most of the products that stopped the bleeding were from a doctor such as the thrombin and adrenaline, but not any longer.

With the addition of an all-natural, non-allergenic, non-prescription hemostatic bandage called Qwick-AID®, the game has been changed.  Qwick-AID® will stop the bleeding in seconds and it begins the healing process immediately.  The cut-men have less than one minute to clean the fighters up and get them back into the fight. Qwick-AID® has proven time and time again to be a reliable tool for the hectic quick pace in which these guys work.  The state of Nevada’s Athletic Commission has approved its use during and after the fight. Qwick-AID® is revolutionizing sports medicine and will continue to be there for athletes in all genres of sports. www.qwickaidsports.com. Learn-More-Arrow

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